The DCSD Parent / Student Handbook and district forms are available at
Below is the information that is Senior specific.
Ram Fam Core Values
Respect – Having high regard to others and their idea; accepting of other and their values.
Engagement – Showing up and doing your part; participating appropriately.
Integrity – Doing the right thing because it is the right thing and owning your behavior.
Students are encouraged not to use their lockers. Students should bring backpacks to school each day (including freshmen orientation).
The FAST program is a highly structured work time that is designed to assist students with homework completion, preparation for tests/quizzes, test/quiz make-up, or just a quiet place to work where support is available. FAST is held every Friday that school is in session, and all Senior students are welcome to attend. This program is staffed by Senior’s paraeducators, as well as Honors/AP student tutors.
Students attending FAST need to be at the main entrance doors between 7:25 and 7:35 AM on Friday mornings. Students must be working on school related tasks the entire period. Computer access is available during this time as well. Students will be asked to leave if they are not using this time to complete school work.
Questions regarding the FAST program should be directed to Ms. Zillig, 552‑5504.
The National Honor Society, active since 1926 at DSHS, is a service and honorary organization. The National Honor Society is a National School Honor Organization. Members are selected based on academic excellence (3.2 cumulative G.P.A.), leadership, service, and character. Behavior violations of the good conduct code, whether a candidate is or is not out for an activity, and suspendable offenses during the year of eligibility will disqualify that student from National Honor Society membership.
Consequences for students that violate the Code of Conduct standard may include:
Students that violate laws that lay outside of the Code of Conduct (theft, assault, etc…) will be subject to a hearing in front of the National Honor Society Faculty Council to review that students standing in this organization.
The Renaissance Program is a partnership between the school and community to recognize student academic achievement. Renaissance discounts for school events will only be available at the Business Office.
Red Card (All A’s) | Blue Card (All A’s & B’s) | White Card (All A’s, B’s & C’s) |
Dance Tickets: $3 off Snocoming $5 off Prom | Dance Tickets: $2 off Snocoming $3 off Prom | Dance Tickets: $1 off Snocoming $1 off Prom |
1 Renaissance, Pens, Drawstring Bag, & T-shirt | 1 Renaissance T-shirt & Pen | 1 Renaissance T-shirt &Pen |
Eligible for various drawings | ||
Renaissance Discount Card |
A Commitment to Excellence, a Partnership between school and
the community to recognize academic achievement.
Jane Rollins R.N. is the school nurse, and her telephone number is 552-5520. Lori Streit is the Health para-professional and her telephone number is 552-5519. Health Service office hours are 7:00-2:30, Monday thru Friday.
The school nurse provides assessment of illness and injury, health interventions, health education, screening for health factors that may impact student education, medication administration, accommodations in school and referrals to school and community and governmental services to meet student needs.
Procedures for the use of the Health Office are as follows:
The administration of prescription and/or over-the-counter medication by school personnel to students in school shall be done only with written authorization and direction of a licensed healthcare provider legally authorized to prescribe. The written authorization is only valid for the current school year.
Health Care providers can fax a medication release to Senior at 563-552-5721. Local health care providers have the school medication release form.
EXCEPTION ONLY FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS: Acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) and ibuprofen (i.e. Motrin) medications may be administered in the middle and high schools by the school nurse after assessment of appropriate use for the student with ONLY a parent or legal guardian consent
A Public Health Immunization Certificate signed by a health care provider stating that the student has received the immunizations is required by law. Students without the proper certificate are not allowed to attend school until they receive the immunization or the student makes arrangements with the school nurse. Only for specific medical or religious purposes are students exempted from the immunization requirements.
Insurance: Hawk-I Insurance for Children
Parents can apply for low-or no-cost health insurance for their children (birth to age 19) through the state’s Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (HAWK-I) program Parents are urged to call 1-800-257-8563 (toll free) or go to the web site at for more information.
A physician may request a visiting teacher if a student is unable to attend regular classes for a period of two weeks consecutively or more due to illness/injury. The physician written order must state the reason for the visiting teacher and length of time visiting teacher will be needed. Health care providers can fax a release to the school nurse at 563-552-5721.
Waiting for Rides
Commons Expectations
Student may use the Commons before school, and when they are not scheduled in a class until 2:20pm.
Respect the space and others around you by:
There are approximately 200 student parking spaces available. Students eligible for upper lot stickers were assigned using a lottery system. Students may pick up parking forms at registration and return the completed forms to the AP Office. (Do Not Lose the Parking Sticker.)
Students must bring to the AP office the following:
You will not be able to receive a parking sticker without this information.
Cost: $40.00.
To maintain proper parking in our lots and around Dubuque Senior High School, towing of cars may be necessary. With the exception of an emergency situation, the following procedures should be followed before a car is towed.
The towing of a car should be a “last effort” to correct the problem after recent warnings have been issued.
School Discipline Policy
Dubuque Senior High School follows the Dubuque Community School District Student Behavior Expectations and Consequences Policy 5200 which governs the conduct of its students and provides student due process. The 5200 policy can be found on the District website:
No student is to leave campus during the lunch period. Students are to eat in the cafeteria only.
Students who are not assigned to a class or study hall:
Students who are assigned to study hall:
The Intervention Room is an extension of the Assistant Principal office. Students may be assigned to the Intervention Room by school Administrator/Student Needs Facilitator only. Any electronic devices are not allowed in the Intervention Room.
Assemblies and pep rallies are held for several purposes: to teach, to entertain, to honor, to display school spirit, to celebrate, and etc. Depending upon the purpose of the assembly, there is a specific type of behavior expected of the audience. First and always, the members of the audience should respect the rights of the performer or speaker who is presenting the program. There is an obligation of courtesy that each student at DSHS owes other people in this school. It is our expectation that you respect that obligation and our belief that you are due that level of courtesy in return.
Guests to Senior High School dances must be at least a 9 th grade student and at most the age of 20. Senior High School student’s bringing a guest to a dance must have their ticket purchased and the guest’s name on the guest list no later than Thursday at 10am the week of the dance in the Business Office. If a Senior High School student attends a DCSD High School dance and is found to be impaired, they will be suspended from school for 3 days and suspended from the next Senior High School dance. If the infraction occurs during the last dance of the year, they will be suspended from all other after school activities for seven days from the date of the infraction. Students graduating at Midterm may attend dances 2 nd semester.
If a student attends a DCSD school activity and is found to be impaired, they will be suspended from school for 3 days and suspended from all after school activities for seven days from the date of the infraction.
Students may hold hands, but overt displays and demonstrations of affections such as kissing, long embraces, and petting are prohibited on school grounds. Students who fail to comply with this rule will be subject to referral to the AP Office for disciplinary action and parents will be contacted.
The Dubuque Community School District Attendance Policy #5107 may be found on the district website.
Admit Slips
If the parent-guardian comes to the office to sign the student out, classes cannot be interrupted to get a student, except in the case of a genuine emergency. Parents are asked to take note of the time during which students may be dismissed for non-emergencies.
If an early release permission, request is received in the Attendance Office by 7:40 a.m. or immediately upon arrival at school on the day on which the student is to sign out, arrangements will be made to dismiss the student at the appropriate time. The student will then pick up his/her Early Release Verification form at the Attendance Office prior to leaving class.
All requests may be verified. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the student will not be given permission to sign out early.
No student is permitted to leave school without signing out in the attendance or the nurse’s office. Parent or guardian must be contacted before a student can be released.
When a student is late to school, the student must enter through the main doors after 7:35 am. The Attendance office will print a CheckIn pass for the student to give to the teacher. They will be marked TARDY if entering under 10 minutes into the class period or ABSENT if more than 10 minutes into the class period, however are still required attend class. When a parent/guardian contacts the Attendance office excusing the student’s lateness the student will receive an excused absence or excused tardy.
A student who turns in a forged parental note, makes an unauthorized phone call to the Attendance Office, or forges a hall pass, or a teacher’s signature will be seen by an Assistant Principal for disciplinary action and an unexcused absence will be issued.
Dubuque Senior High maintains a closed campus policy. Students are not allowed to leave campus during school hours. Students are expected to be in class or in a supervised area, not wandering around the building. Students who leave campus and/or an unsupervised school building area without permission during their school day will receive UNEXCUSED absence for the missed class periods. Before a student can leave campus during school hours, he/she must obtain a Leave the Building Permit form from the nurse or Attendance Office. Students must obtain AP office permission to go to a car that is on or off school property, unless they are finished with classes for the day. Students may receive a 1 day in school suspension for leave the building without permission. Also, students may receive a 1 day in school suspension for opening a door to let others into the building.
It is the classroom teacher’s responsibility to hold students accountable for their tardiness to class. It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep accurate records of attendance and tardiness. All students are expected to be in class when the period begins. Students who are 10 or more minutes late to class without an authorized pass will be issued a class cut.
1st Tardy: ________ (Date)
2nd Tardy: ________ (Date)
3rd Tardy: ________ (Date)
Step 1: Teacher Interventions
Date Contacted/Phone Number
Step 2: Parents/Guardian contacted if student is non-compliant.
Step 3: Student referred to Assistant Principal for failure to respond to Intervention on ____/____/____.
4th Tardy:
______ Teacher contacts parents informing them of tardy.
______ Time working with teacher.
5th Tardy:
______ Teacher contacts parents informing them of tardy.
______ Time working with teacher.
6th Tardy:
______ Teacher contacts parents informing them of tardy.
______ Time working with teacher.
7th Tardy:
Student will be referred to the AP office.
Athletics, Activities and Clubs can be found under the Athletics and Activities buttons on the Senior High homepage.